Jamie Oliver gets me off my ass and gets me cooking. I love to cook, and I love a good challenge in the kitchen... unless I get super frustrated and realize I missed a very important ingredient way too late. That's why I am not so good at baking... there is little improvising in baking. But every now and then I get lazy and I'll stop cooking. I'll stop looking at the cookbooks. I'll stop reading about new approaches to preparing food. I'll cease using my brain to put some life into the standards. But for some reason Jamie Oliver does the trick to get me off my lazy glutes and get my brain thinking about cooking.
A few weeks ago BBC America started showing the old Naked Chef episodes from '99. There is something about his attitude and way of thinking about flavors that gets me excited to try new dishes. Plus the guy is way cool... he gets to hang out with Jamiroquai and ride a scooter everywhere. I want a scooter. All I have is a bike. Jamie Oliver does something to spark my imagination where I can run to the store (not on my scooter, since I am sans scooter) pick up a few things and put together a simple dinner that is more than enjoyable.
It really would taste a whole lot better if I had a scooter.