Monday, October 09, 2006


The New York Yankees have spent just over $1.2 Billion on salaries and luxury taxes in the past six years to ensure a World Series win. But in the past six years they have not won the World Series. And this past weekend they again were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. This makes someone like me smile from ear to ear. If the Yankees stop spending a ton of money and focus on bringing up young talent they will be better off... they could possibly be the Yankees we saw in the mid-to-late 1990's. They currently have some amazing young players.

This past week sports reporters (especially ESPN) have been going on and on and on about what a great line up the Yankees have. They spent countless hours and words talking over and over about how great the Yankees are. They spent very little time on the other seven teams in the play-offs. Now that the Detroit Tigers (David) slain The Yankees (Goliath) all of these sports analysts are spending so much time on talking about how The Yankees had everything right on paper but that it did not work on the field... so much time on the Yankees. Why not spend most of the time on the teams that made it to the final four?

And just as a random side note: if you grow up in southern Indiana you most likely grow up a Carnidals fan or a Reds fan, since both cities (depending on where in southern Indiana you live) are less than 3 hours away. See you do not have to make up excuses to be a Yankees fan. Cheer for your home (or near home team) where ever you live.