1. 1,500 CDs is more than enough... really. How many people actually have more than 1,000? More than 500?
2. Since I obtained a large percentage of these for free after working in the record industry for so many years, it's not like I am losing money?
3. I have already narrowed my collection down in the past year by more than 2,000... so why stop?
4. I can use the money that I get to pay debt!
5. As the more time goes by I'll be able to get less and less money for CDs.
6. I can always rip some of the albums to MP3s before I sell them just in case I want to listen to it in the future.
7. I'm not selling my vinyl.
So if you live in Chicago... support Reckless Records since they are the ones that are buying most of my CDs. This weekend I'll be taking another couple of bags over there... I just might be getting rid of your favorite, or your least favorite CD.