Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stuff on my cat.

Since some feel my blog has been a bit of a downer lately I am going to redirect you all to a great blog I discovered this past week... Stuff On My Cat. Their motto is:

"Stuff + Cats = Awesome"

That pretty much sold me on the website right there. This site is well worth wasting a few minutes (or more) at work when you just do not feel like being productive for the Man. Or you could start your own blog called "Stuff On The Man."

I know LP thinks I have all of these ideas going through my head on what I could put on our two cats. I have to admit, I do. But when looking through the pages and pages of photos on so many great ideas have been taken. My idea must be better, more original, shocking, yet cute, and funny. What will I come up with...